(Sessions available online and in person)

Transformation is the capacity for one thing to change into another thing -- the caterpillar into the butterfly, the egg into the chick, firewood into ash. In a Transformational Medicine session, you’ll work with Dr Griffin to identify what you want to change, what you truly desire for your life and how to access the innate and embodied wisdom you already possess to catalyze this shift.

Sessions involve a merger of modalities -- primarily integrative and herbal medicine, Somatic Experiencing, NARM therapy and VITA coaching techniques -- to support this process of change. Herbs, supplements or pharmaceutical treatments may be suggested in addition to lifestyle modifications, inner work and ritual. In concert with your inner healer, a plan is crafted to apply in between visits to root into creating more liberation and resiliency in your nervous system and life.




(For people within or able to travel to Humboldt County)

Osteopathic manual medicine (OMM) includes a range of techniques which focus on a singular goal -- enhancing the physical body’s intrinsic healing forces. Treatment methods include myofascial release, osteopathy in the cranial field, high velocity low amplitude adjustments, lymphatic techniques, balanced ligamentous tension and strain/counterstrain.

Dr Griffin tends to treat patients with more “indirect” methods making for a gentle and effective treatment. OMM can be beneficial for migraines, tension headaches, back pain and joint pain and any person seeking relief from physical pain or discomfort.  

If applicable, Dr Griffin also offers trigger point injections, local injections of a numbing medicine accompanied with dry needling for muscular trigger points -- places within a muscle which have become bound with tension and create a referred pattern of pain beyond their immediate location.

OMM can be particularly powerful in the postpartum period for both mothers and babies. Treatment of the pelvic floor can resolve tensions held after birth and prevent future pelvic organ prolapses, chronic pelvic pain or painful intercourse. Newborns who are struggling to latch successfully or have experienced difficult births may benefit from osteopathic treatment to unwind patterns of restriction that limit their ability to breastfeed.




(Sessions may be online or in person) 

Having provided routine women’s health and obstetric care for ten years, Dr Griffin recognizes both the power and the limitations of a Western medical approach. For women experiencing common gynecologic issues, such as heavy or irregular periods, infertility or pelvic pain, she offers a whole person approach to care that includes Western management, herbal and dietary recommendations in addition to psycho-spiritual exploration of the concern at hand.

Early in training, Dr Griffin observed that women’s sexual complaints - such as low libido, inability to orgasm and pain with sex - were not adequately addressed, if they were at all, by allopathic medicine. Her work with Layla Martin, Monika Nataraj and others in the field of sexual coaching has provided her with techniques and ways to explore these common and distressing experiences for women with safety, gentleness and efficacy.

Holistic Pelvic Care was created by Tami Kent, MSPT and involves physical and energetic treatment of the pelvic floor to treat incontinence, postpartum pain or discomfort, sexual dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain as well as a wide range of gynecologic complaints on a more subtle level. Dr Griffin is a certified practitioner of this technique and finds that working within the pelvic bowl physically often leads to resolution of chronic pain and long held discomforts.




(For people within or able to travel to Humboldt County)

Ketamine is a synthetic molecule created in the 1960s as an anesthesia medication. It was found to have dissociative properties that can produce expanded states of consciousness, similar to psychedelic medicines like psilocybin, peyote and DMT. Evidence has shown that it can be an effective remedy for treatment resistant depression and PTSD.

For people interested in discussing this treatment option, a medical assessment and then a preparatory session are performed first to determine the safety and applicability of ketamine for you. Integration counseling sessions are held within one to two days after medication assisted appointments. The medicine is administered as an intramuscular shot or as an oral solution or lozenge. Discussion about which method of receiving the medicine will occur during your preparatory session.

Who is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy For?

  • Prior attempts to manage mood with medication and counseling have been unsuccessful

  • Desire for personal and psycho-spiritual exploration and growth

When is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Not an Option?

  • History of psychosis

  • During pregnancy

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure, chronic liver or kidney disease\

    Please visit the Center for New Growth for inquiries about ketamine therapy: